Blissnet™ Online Banking
Activate eStatements
- In Blissnet Online Banking, click on the eStatements tab.
- Click in the box by “Select to activate eStatements”.
- Click in the box by each checking and/or savings account you wish to receive eStatements.
- Verify your email address. If it is not correct, change where indicated.
- Click in the box “I agree to the terms and conditions”.
- Click on the Submit button.
- Logout of Blissnet Online Banking.
- You will receive an email shortly.
- In the email are the words "Click here to confirm electronic delivery..." (This may or may not be underlined.) Click on it.
- This will take you to the Blissnet Online Banking Login screen.
- Login to Blissnet Online Banking.
- You will see a screen that says "The statement for account XXXXXX will now be delivered electronically".
- The selection process is now complete.
At the end of the next month, Blissnet Online Banking will generate an email message to the address provided informing you that your statement is ready. There will also be an Alert Message on your Blissnet Online Banking home page. Click on the link in either of these messages and (once logged in) you will be able to view, print, and/or save your statement.
Statements remain available on Blissnet Online Banking for 3 months. If you need a copy of an older statement, contact the bank during regular business hours at 517-486-2151. Copies of checks can be printed individually through the transaction viewing process in Blissnet Online Banking. Checks are also available for three months. If you need a copy of a check older than that, contact the bank.