Design element-image containing text 'Find the tools and inormation you need to make the right financial decisions.'

Security Center

Recent Fraud Alerts

No recent fraud alerts.

Customer Notices

BSB will never solicit personal or account information via e-mail, instant messaging, chat, or text messages. Do not respond to any such requests.

BSB Debit Card and Credit Card Users
Please inform us if you will be using your card outside of the U.S. Otherwise, this activity will appear suspicious and may lead to a denial of transactions.

For Debit Cards call: 517-486-2151

Privacy and Security Tips

  • Protect yourself from online threats:
    • Always use a personal firewall.
    • Keep your system patched and current with Automatic Updates.
    • Use reputable Anti-Virus software and keep it current.
  • Protect yourself from e-mail threats:
    • Never click on links or open attachments in unsolicited or unexpected e-mail messages.
    • Just because an e-mail appears to be from someone you know, doesn't guarantee that it is.
    • Messages claiming you've won something are almost always scams. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
    • Messages claiming a problem with a service and asking you to verify or provide personal information to resolve the issue are almost always scams. Most reputable companies will never solicit confidential information via e-mail.