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  Person 2 Person Payments

Person to Person payments is a feature of Blissnet and GoBlissnet that allows you to pay anyone without the need to have their bank account information. It works just like any other Bill Payment and is very easy to get started.

Please note, you must be enrolled in Blissnet and Bill Pay to begin using P2P.

Getting Started in Blissnet (web)

  1. Login to Blissnet on the web.
  2. Select "Bill Pay" from the menu bar.
  3. Select "Pay a person" from the sub menu.
  4. Select how you want to send the money (Email, Text Message, Direct Deposit, or Check).
  5. Fill in the required payee information
  6. Create a keyword (password) for the payee to receive the payment -- the payee will use this keyword to access a secure site to enter their account information (for Email or Text Message payment methods only).
  7. For security purposes, a one-time activation code is required before you can send money to the new payee
    • Choose where you want the one-time activation code sent (your email address or text message phone number).
    • Retrieve and enter the activation code.
  8. Once the one-time activation code has been successfully entered, the new payee should appear on your dashboard and you can send money to them whenever you want.
  9. The payee will now need to complete their part of the setup process.
    • The payee will receive an email with a link to a secure site.
    • The payee will need to use the keyword you created to access this site.
    • The payee will then need to enter their account information to begin receiving money from you.
  10. Now you can send your new payee money whenever you want.

To see a video tutorial, click the Bill Pay Tutorial link below.


Getting Started in GoBlissnet (mobile)

  1. Login to the GoBlissnet App on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the menu button (3 horizontal lines in the top, left of your screen).
  3. Select "Pay Bills" from the menu.
  4. Tap the Add button (plus sign in the top, right corner of your screen).
  5. Next to "Payee" tap "Choose a payee"
  6. To add a payee, tap the add payee button (plus sign next to the silhouette of a person in the top, right corner of your screen).
  7. Select the payee type (person or business).
  8. Then select the payment method (Email, Check, or Direct Deposit).
  9. Fill in the required payee information.
  10. Create a keyword (password) for the payee to receive the payment -- the payee will use this keyword to access a secure site to enter their account information (for Email or Text Message payment methods only).
  11. Now that the payee has been created, select the payee to create a new payment.
  12. Fill in the required payment information and submit.
  13. The payee will now need to complete their part of the setup process.
    • The payee will receive an email with a link to a secure site.
    • The payee will need to use the keyword you created to access this site.
    • The payee will then need to enter their account information to begin receiving money from you.
  14. Now you can send your new payee money whenever you want.

Bill Pay Tutorials and FAQs

Bill Pay Tutorial
Video guides to basic Bill Pay tasks and functions.

Bill Pay FAQs
A list of answers to common questions regarding when and how transactions are processed.


Support and Assistance

Contact Us for assistance with login issues, additional training, questions, and more. We have a team of Blissnet™ Support Technicians ready to help.