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Royal Savings

For Students of Blissfield Community Schools

Parents, looking to help your children save money and learn the value of saving?

We have a Financial Education Program for Blissfield Elementary students in the first through fifth grades. We would like to invite your student to participate in our “ROYAL SAVER” program.

Your student can open a Royal Savings account and make deposits each week. Each student will receive a register (to record deposits at home after being given a receipt at school) and a special coin purse to keep deposit money separate from lunch money.


  • Higher rate of interest
  • No services charges
  • Bank employees travel to school weekly to collect deposits
  • No minimum opening deposit
  • Students must be in first through fifth grade to enroll
  • No withdrawals allowed at school
  • Automatically converts to regular savings account when child turns 18
  • For security, two signatures required to withdraw