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Privacy Policy of Blissfield State Bank and our Corporate AffiliatesAt Blissfield State Bank, Blissfield State Financial Service, Inc., and Blissfield Bank Corporation, our customers are our highest priority. While information about our customers is important to provide good service, it is essential that this information be held in the strictest confidence at all times. With this is mind, we have adopted the following principles. EXPECTATIONS OF PRIVACYWe recognize and respect our customers’ expectation of privacy and security for their personal and financial information. We will maintain standards to ensure that their information is private and secure at all times. If they decide to close their account(s) or become an inactive customer, we will continue to adhere to the privacy policies and practices as described. INFORMATION WE COLLECTWe collect nonpublic personal information about customers from the following sources:
LIMITED DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATIONWe will not reveal specific information about customer accounts or other personally identifiable data to parties outside our bank unless:
The Customers rights in accordance with the “Right to Financial Privacy Act.”The Government Authority looking to obtain our customer’s financial information must first provide us with two things before we release any information.
A record of all instances in which a customer’s record is disclosed to a government authority must be maintained. We do not disclose any non‐public personal information about our customers or former customers to third parties who are not affiliated with us, except as permitted by law. We will not share and/or sell individual customer information to any unaffiliated third party for marketing purposes. SHARING WITH OUR AFFILIATESIn order to best serve our customers, it may be necessary for some types of information to be accessible throughout The Blissfield State Bank corporate family. Having information available to our affiliates enables us to provide quality assistance and convenience for a variety of products and services. The type of information that may be shared includes, but is not limited to:
Affiliates in our corporate family who may share this information are:
Pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), we allow customers an opportunity to prevent us from sharing the information with our affiliates that is described above. This information, “FCRA Information,” does not include any information regarding transactions with us or our experience with customers. If a customer prefers that we not share this “FCRA information” with our affiliates, he/she may contact us by choosing one of the following options:
Blissfield State Bank For joint account relationships, if any one consumer requests that this information not be shared, that request will apply to all joint account holders. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITYWe restrict internal access to nonpublic personal information about customers to those employees who need to know that information. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard this information. Only authorized employees, trained in the proper handling of customer information, will have access to that information. Employees are instructed to adhere to this privacy policy even after leaving the bank’s employment. Our operational and data processing systems are in a secure environment that protects customer account information from being accessed by third parties. CUSTOMER BENEFITS OF INSTITUTION’S INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PRACTICESWe will limit the collection and use of customer information to the minimum required to develop, enhance, and deliver superior products and services to our customers. MAINTENANCE OF ACCURATE INFORMATIONEvery attempt will be made to keep our customer information complete, up‐to‐date, and accurate. Requests by customers to correct inaccurate information will be handled in a timely manner. RESTRICTIONS ON THE DISCLOSURE OF ACCOUNT INFORMATIONWe will not reveal specific information about customer accounts or other personally identifiable data to parties outside our bank unless:
We will not share and/or sell individual customer information to any unaffiliated third party for marketing purposes. MAINTAINING CUSTOMER PRIVACY IN BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS WITH THIRD PARTIESWhen we do provide customer information to a third party, we will insist through a written agreement, that the third party adhere to privacy principles similar to those to which Blissfield State Bank, Blissfield State Financial Service, Inc. and Blissfield Bank Corporation adhere to for keeping this information confidential. PROVIDING PRIVACY INFORMATION TO CUSTOMERS AND RESPONDING TO INQUIRIESWe want customers to know and understand our commitment to their personal privacy and how we may use information about them. We have prepared these principles to demonstrate the high priority we place on protecting privacy. Customers, who have questions about these Privacy Principles or have a question about the privacy of their customer information, are directed to call Blissfield State Bank at 517‐486‐2151 or 1‐800‐649‐1767. |